The Company Address Details Page


The Company Address Details Page (introduced May 2011) has the following intention:

  1. To give the customer one place to view information relevant for a site, across projects.

  2. To allow the user to edit address information


It is available from the


The information available is illustrated in the figure below.  Note that the tables can collect certificates, findings and activities from multiple projects.



If you discover outdated or wrong data about your company, your project, sites, colleagues, any other data in eAdvantage or in any association between them then please Help us keep our common data in eAdvantage Up To Date!


Edit Company addresses

Users can edit their address information by clicking the Edit button.  A DNV person is notified of the change, and a record of the change is saved for Quality Assurance processes and future reference.




If you discover outdated or wrong data about your company, your project, sites, colleagues, any other data in eAdvantage or in any association between them then please Help us keep our common data in eAdvantage Up To Date!